Friday, February 17, 2012

today's notes

-Logan talking excitedly NON STOP through the first half of Return of the Jedi. He and Eric are planning on going to see episode one in the theater next friday

-all kids napping. Yes it really happened.

-Emmett usually gets really angry when he has to go to the bathroom. Today he didn't. Hurray!

-Emmett is trying really hard to say the "th" sound. So whenever it comes up in a word, he holds it out about twice as long as normal. "mommy, I'm tttthhhirsty" adorable.

-Madeline fell off of the changing table while I was turned to put the diaper in the garbage. No damage done, but she was very cuddly for half an hour afterward.

-Madeline learned to trill her tongue today and finally is pulling her legs under her to crawl. Now if we could just get the girl some teeth...

-Eric was sad today. Being too hard on himself. But he got happier after being home for a while. I guess he likes us better than taxes after all.

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